We have 66 guests and no members online

NARS attempts to provide an enjoyable, interesting, and informative experience at each of our meetings. This being your club, we welcome suggestions from the membership for topics that you find useful and interesting. Either send an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., attend a board meeting and make your suggestion in person, or make a suggestion at the regular meeting at 7:30. We are always happy to entertain your suggestions.

Zoom login : 281-543-6502 password 1234456

Month Topic Presenter Location
January Banquet Paul Kent, KI5FJS Valley Ranch
February High Performance Multi-Band Antenna for Residential Lot Rich Jones, W5VEK KVFD, Zoom
March - - -
April FeeeDV Digital Voice Mooneer Salem, K6AQ KVFD, Zoom
May - - -
June - - HCESD 16, Zoom
July Field Day followup - HCESD 16, Zoom
August Amateur Radio Radiograms Sheree Horton, WM5N HCESD 16, Zoom
September Amateur Balloons Walter Holmes, K5WH HCESD 16, Zoom
October Please Don't Call Them Drones Joe Ross, W5BSA HCESD 16, Zoom
November Officer Election - HCESD 16, Zoom
December Show and Tell Various HCESD 16, Zoom