We have 15 guests and no members online

Update - Field day results will be posted in December QST. Until then, here is the official record of entries received by the ARRL.

As you are all aware, we still have pandemic restrictions that affect our ability to host our normal Field Day setup. This, despite the welcome news that repairs to the beam antenna at the Klein VFD facility has been repaired thanks to the generous assistance of the Klein VFD. Common sense as well as usage restrictions on the use of the Klein Fire Department facility prevent the kind of gathering we normally host. 

All is not lost, however. Two recent amendments to the Field Day by the ARRL rules significantly expand our options. NARS Field Day 2020 activities can now be conducted from our individual home stations and still have the individual scores count toward the W5NC score as well as your own score.

The current operational plan is as follows:

  • Prior to the contest date, visit the N3FJP website for suggested logging software. You may also use another logging program if you prefer, as long as it will produce the required submission format.
  • We ask each participant to download and review the meeting presentation. You may also want to get the instructional presentation on integrating N#FJP logging software with your existing digital mode software such as fldigi or wsjtx if you plan to operate digital modes on Field Day.
  • If you need tutoring or assistance, the following resources are available:
  • The previously scheduled VE session will be held on Field Day, Saturday 8 AM to 12 PM at the Klein VFD facility. Upon completion of the exams, the exam team will depart the Klein VFD facility to their respective homes to operate over the remainder of the Field Day event.
  • Upon completion of the exam session, Marty, W5MF, will operate class 1F-STX from the on-site radio room under the club call, W5NC. This is so that the collective logs can be submitted under the club call.
  • Once 5 to 10 calls are logged, Marty will return to his home QTH and continue to operate class 1D-STX under his personal call, W5MF for the remainder of the event.
  • Club members wishing to participate will operate from their home QTH or mobile as described below:
    • 1C (Mobile operation)
    • 1D (home operation with commercial main power)
    • 1E (home operation using ONLY emergency power)
  • Each operator is responsible for maintaining their own Field Day log and submitting it to the ARRL. Each operator is asked to be certain to show Northwest Amateur Radio Society as the club affiliation. IMPOTANT: no abbreviations, such as NARS.
  • Logging-specific tutorials and information will be following over the coming days and weeks, in the form of ZOOM sessions provided by KC3LEE, and the amateur radio mentoring group (ARMG).
  • Because there will not be sustained Field Day activity at the site after the test session is concluded, the field day lunch/dinner is cancelled this year.
  • When you are operating as a 1D/1D/1E station, you must use your OWN call sign and privileges for Field Day.
  • Lee, KC3LEE, and Kirk, N5XJB, are available to help you submit your Field Day Log to the ARRL upon conclusion of FIeld Day 2020.

The Field Day Team Will have a preliminary orientation meeting on June 9 at 7:30 PM on ZOOM (Room number: 480-236-7199 pass-code 123456). Please plan to attend.

Please check back here on w5nc.net and on the NARS reflector for updates and announcements.