We have 64 guests and no members online

Mike, Wa2TOP, conducts a moderated Q&A net on Wednesday evenings at 8:00 P.M. We welcome others who would like to take a turn at net control. Contact Michael on the air, on Groups.IO, or by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We have developed a recommended script to help you get started.

We encourage all licensed hams to participate, whether you are a NARS member or not. This is the place to get some on-air operating experience, ask questions, and learn. Discussion topics are announced on the air at the start of the net and may also be announced on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. prior to the net.

Options to connect to the net include the following:

  • 2M - W5NC - 146.660 MHz,  -600 kHz offset, PL 141.3 (Galleria)
  • 70cm - W5NC - 444.375 MHz, +5 MHz offset, PL100 (Klein - Spring area). 
  • 70cm - W5NC - 443.075 MHz, +5 MHz offset, PL100 (Galleria). 
  • W5NC on Echolink 
  • Allstar 504030

We encourage net control stations as well as net participants to consider using NetLogger to make the operation simpler and more efficient. Visit NetLogger on this website for more information.