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Non-Field Day Activities

Club members may request the use of W5NC, the NARS club callsign for activities other than Field Day. In order to request the use of the club callsign, for a club activity other than Field Day, you must  meet the following requirements:

  1. Submit the request in writing to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The Board will decide it the activity is or is not a club activity for which they should approve the use of the callsign.
  2. Send the request to the Club President at least two weeks before the proposed event.
  3. The request must identify the NARS member that will serve as control operator for the event. The control operator should be an Extra Class license holder. The board may approve a General class license at their discretion, but limit operation to the General Class portions of the bands.
  4. A title for the event is necessary. This title must be determined prior to the start of the event.
  5. The request will be discussed between the board members and the callsign Trustee. If the Board and the Trustee approve, the requesting member will be notified that the event may proceed as a club planned activity.
  6. The control operator is responsible for keeping a log for the event. A logging program is recommended, preferably one that can manage the QSL cards. The control operator is also responsible for ensuring that QSL information is communicated during the event. If time permits, the QSL information for the event will be added to the QRZ page by the QRZ page menager.


ARRL Field Day Activities

Use of the club callsign for ARRL Field Day in June will adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. The W5NC callsign will be used at the club designated field day location.
  2. The Field Day Chairman will be the Control Operator for the entire duration. The FD Chairman should hold an Extra Class license. If not, then the Club will designate a Co-Chairman who will have the Extra Class license. The Co-Chairman may leave the site but must announce to the group the name of the person who is in charge at the FD site.
  3. If the operator(s) at the radio have an Extra Class license but the current Control Operator holds a General Class license then they must stay within the frequency assignments for a General Class license unless, that Extra Class Licensee accepts the responsibility of being the control operator for the site and that fact is noted for the time period on the sign-in form as the Control Operator.

Paul Owen

Trustee For W5NC