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The NARS Board has announced one Committee position and one Board position that will be vacant effective 1 January 2024. One of these positions is a non-voting Committee position and one is a voting Board position. In compliance with the Bylaws, an individual may be appointed by the club President to fill these positions. The non-voting position is a permanent appointment, but the voting position appointment will fill the position until the next club general elections in November 2024.

The non-voting position is for a club Public Information Liaison (PIO). This person communicates with the public on behalf of the Club, issues press releases, answers queries from the media, and promotes a positive image of the Club and Club activities.

One Director-at-large position is available. This is a voting position. This person helps steer the organization towards a sustainable future by adopting sound, ethical, and legal governance and financial management policies in cooperation with the existing board members.

If you would like to be considered or want to nominate someone for either of these positions. please contact Ron Matusek, WA6TQH, by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to put your name in the hat. He will consider all names submitted and announce his decision at the January Banquet meeting.