NARS Field Day '98 - Health Pointers

by... Jack Lingner - KM5LJ

The humidity, temperatures, and activities of June's Field Day can be murder. Unfortunately we cannot eliminate any of these problems, but I will give you the information I think you need to help best cope with it.

Usually your body is able to handle the heat. But when June's humidity goes above 75%, sweat evaporation, which is the body's cooling mechanism, becomes less effective and heat exhaustion becomes very likely.

Several factors can contribute to heat exhaustion or stroke. People of advanced age (notice I refrained from the term "old goats"), very young, or with a history of cardiovascular problems are at greater risk. The usage of certain medications (such as major tranquilizers, anticholinergics, diuretics, propranolol, and cardioactive agents) can make you more vulnerable. Remember that circulating blood cools you and that any cardiovascular problems will make you more prone to heat-related illness. You should always give these factors special consideration if you are planning on spending time exposed to these conditions. It is also advisable to consult your physician if you have any questions.

If you are prone to heat exhaustion or stroke, try to avoid situations that may cause it. And even if you are healthy, do not overexert or allow yourself to become dehydrated. Remember the basic rules of prevention: stay where it is cool, or, at least get out of the sun; reduce activity to prevent additional strain and heat build up; wear loose airy clothing; make sure you get plenty of fluids to drink (preferably an electrolyte solution such as Gatorade). Be aware that salt tablets may not be helpful - they can often upset your stomach and make you even more dehydrated.

The symptoms for heat exhaustion are fairly easy to recognize. Please be alert of those around you and watch for signs of slight temperature, headache, dizziness, confusion, giddiness, or flu-like stomach upset. Someone experiencing heat exhaustion may not be aware of his or her condition, so please be alert of others. They may be depending on it! Lets have a fun and safe Field Day. I hope to see you there.
